Wall Painting Project

Solar Home Light Project

Solar Grid Project

Smart TV Project

Smart Class Project

School Park Project

E Auto for Mentally Disabled Home

Beach Plastic Cleaning

Angnaavdi Renovation & Upgradatio Project

Solar On grid Project - For Orphanage home

World TB Day

Wall Painting Project on Railway Station on Wall

E Auto Donation to Riya Foundation

Aganvadi Roofing & Painting

Water Bottle Distribution

World Health Day

Padmshree Awardee Harekala Hajabba School Cupboard Donation

Raincoat Distribution to Traffic Police

Celebration of Wolrd Environment Day by planting saplings across Bavutagudda

Celebration of International Yoga Day in Shimoga

Celebration of World Malaria and Dengue Day by distributing torch to ASHA health workers

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