The Wedding of
Nithin & Sowmya

Bride & Groom

S/O Chetan Gowda & Janaki

S/O Chennappa Gowda & Seethamma
Countdown to Our Big Day
Countdown Expired!

We Invite You and Your Family On
27 March 2022
Muhurtha @ 9:49 AM
Shri Lakshmi Janardhana Sabhabhavan Kepu, Meenadi, Kadaba
Family Members
Bride Mother
Bride Father
Bride Sister
Bride Brother
Groom Father
Groom Mother
Groom Sister
Groom Brother
"A Happy Marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.”
-Andre Marois
Memorable Photo Gallery

"A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just"
Pope Francis
"Where there is no work, there is no dignity."
Pope Francis